Background/ Concept Note: Basic Social and Human Safety and Security Intelligence Skills & Reporting Training Course

Abstract: Understanding the nuances that social and human environments can constitute is an important consideration that can promote the safety and general wellbeing of people.  INTRODUCTION It is generally held that weakness in security creates increased risk, which in turn creates a decrease in safety, so safety and security are directly proportional, but are both […]

Strategic Stakeholders’ Sensitization Workshop Concept Paper on Cybercrime

Strategic Stakeholders’ Sensitization Workshop Concept Paper on Cybercrime, Global Terrorism & Protection of National Critical Assets In Collaboration With Afrigate Forensic Consults & Training (FACT) Abuja-Nigeria & National Institute of Police Studies (NIPS) Abuja-Nigeria   A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE STRATEGIC STAKEHOLDERS’ SENSITIZATION WORKSHOP ON FEBRUARY 4TH 2022   Afrigate Forensic Consults & Training (FACT) […]

Afrigate Forensic Consults and Training