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Have you thought of, seen, or imagined how life has been going on in your community or society? What has worked all this while? Do you want to know or share experiences on how to escalate those strategies that best work for the benefit of more people? Are you genuinely worried about the state of development in Africa? If your answer is yes, then this conference is for you. Why so? The reason is simple. in view of the deepening of challenges to livelihood and safety, we want Africa to be safe for business and living. And we want what best works for Africa to be escalated. In doing so, we place safety before security. Please, Visit…. to access the background information.

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Guest Speakers: Prof. Emmanuel Kwon- Ndung; Dr. Theresa Onaji-Benson; Prof. Don John Omale

Prof. Emmanuel Kwon- Ndung- That we may all eat (Conquering the challenges for agricultural buoyancy and improving the value-chain that we may all eat and sell, aid challenge, food security, farming safety, irrigation, climate change response, transportation, IT in agricultural value-chain, and wealth creation)

Dr. Theresa Onaji-Benson – Understanding societal development Needs (Tech/IT Needs, Africa safety needs, safety nets, women, social solidarity, community sustainable development)

Prof. Don John Omale – Addressing the Deficits in coping skills (what is coping with difficulties like? Social justice, Why is the social environment hostile? Skills for businesses to grow in a depressed-repressed economy, run baby run- migrate for your life? Making ‘aid’ work, accountability quotient)

Understanding African societal development Needs: ​Key Response- Dr. Gullengs Daskyes Yohanna; Ms. Tolu Fajemirokun
That Africans may all eat well: ​​​​Key Response- H.E, Col. Rashid Shekoni (Rtd.)
Addressing the Deficits in Coping Skills in Africa: ​Key Response- Dr. John Ogunwale

Comment (1)

  1. Sam Smah
    November 25, 2021

    This is awesome!

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Afrigate Forensic Consults and Training